The nation’s largest public university system focused on women.
With its main campus in Denton plus Health Sciences Institutes in Dallas and Houston, TWU is known for its historic contributions and leadership in health, liberal arts and education.
Choose from over 75 programs with 90+ undergraduate and graduate degrees, in areas of interest: the Arts and Sciences, Business, Health Sciences, Nursing and Professional Education.
TWU is a partner in Dallas County Promise and Red River Promise.
Interested in learning more about Texas Woman's University?
in Texas for ethnic diversity
in Texas for students with children
student/faculty ratio
in DFW for graduate earnings vs cost
minority students
Welcome to TWU
Lauryn | Be U @ TWU
Making a Space for Women
TWU Dallas Campus Tour
We Are TWU
Featured Programs
Fashion Design & Merchandising
Learn how to design and create merchandise for manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers in preparation for a career in apparel and accessory design or production.
Visual Arts
Engage in learning creative principles and making visual art to prepare for a career in fine art, graphic design and more.
Additional Programs in Arts and Communications at Texas Woman's University:
English, Rhetoric, and Spanish General Studies
General Studies
Multicultural Women's and Gender Studies
Business Administration
Prepare for a wide range of career options in business, from accounting and management to marketing and statistics.
Work with local businesses to build and implement marketing plans to prepare for positions in product development, market research, management, social media and brand building.
Additional Programs in Business at Texas Woman's University:
Healthcare Administration
Human Resource Management
Literacy and Learning - Early Childhood
Focus on socially and culturally responsive education, starting with TWU’s new bachelor’s degree in early childhood education.
Teacher Educaton
Prepare to work with diverse populations, including school students with exceptional needs, English Language Learners and more with the TWU Teacher Education Program.
Additional Programs in Education at Texas Woman's University:
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Deaf and Hard of Hearing
English, Language Arts and Reading (ELAR)
Human Development, Family Studies and Counseling
Library and Information Studies
Special Education
Health Studies
Take charge of your own health and help individuals and communities do the same with a career as a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES).
Help people improve their overall health through fitness with courses in exercise testing and physiology, sports and fitness management and sports nutrition.
Additional Programs in Health Sciences at Texas Woman's University:
Communication Sciences
Nutrition and Food Science
Occupational Therapy
Oral Health
Physical Therapy
Conduct and present research on the local, national and international level guided by faculty who foster your development as a scholar.
Social Work
Prepare for a career as a social worker with courses in human behavior and the social environment, social welfare and policy, and skills of intervention.
Additional Programs in Human/Public Service at Texas Woman's University:
Criminal Justice
Political Science
Computer Science
Build a strong foundation of skills and knowledge to focus on a career in Database Administration, Software Development, Hardware and Robotics or Information Architecture.
Informatics and Health Informatics
Prepare for careers in data science with four tracks of study allowing you to select from a variety of degree plans customized to your needs.
Additional Programs in STEM/IT at Texas Woman's University:
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Online Resume for Prospective Students, Parents and the Public - Texas Woman's University. (2023). https://apps.highered.texas.gov/Resumes/.
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