Production Planning and Expediting Clerk

Production, Planning and Expediting Clerk

Production, planning, and expediting clerks manage the flow of information, work, and materials within or between departments in a business according to a production schedule. They set workers’ schedules, estimate costs and keep track of materials as well as production problems in manufacturing plants.

People in this career often have a talent for active listening, reading comprehension, speaking, time management and critical thinking.

They review and distribute production, work and shipment schedules. They review documents, such as production schedules, work orders or staffing tables, to determine personnel or materials requirements or material priorities. They also arrange for delivery, assembly or distribution of supplies or parts to expedite the flow of materials and meet production schedules.

In addition, production, planning and expediting clerks confer with department supervisors to determine the progress of work and completion dates. They also compile reports on work progress, inventory levels, costs and production problems.

Most production, planning and expediting clerks have some college and have received up to a year of on-the-job training. If you're interested in this field, you can start by looking at vocational training and certificates, as well as degree programs in business operations. Some states require an occupational license to work in these careers.


entry level salary estimate


experienced level salary estimate


projected annual job openings

Make it big in Texas!

Not interested in a desk job? Today’s careers in manufacturing, transport and logistics are increasingly hi-tech, involving automation, robotics and other specialized skills and knowledge. You may be interested in joining a team at an advanced production plant or you may prefer being on the move within the growing transportation and logistics area. Regardless, the specialized skills you can get from certification and other training programs will qualify you for many of these careers.

Manufacturing 2


Texas Labor Market Information, Texas Workforce Commission. Statewide wages by occupation, 2021. Statewide projections by occupation, 2020-2030.

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* Indicates Mandatory Field.