2022 Groupshot

The Dallas County Promise Program supports students in navigating their best-fit postsecondary options with the ultimate goal for students to be successful in college, career, and life. Promise Scholars can be offered a last-dollar tuition grant to help reduce financial barriers present in accessing a postsecondary education at partner colleges and universities.

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Partnering colleges and universities

MSU Resized C
UTA Resized C
UNT resized C
TWU Resized C
TAMUC Resized C 2
UNTD Resized C
Dallas College Resized C

Participating High Schools

Who is eligible?

All Dallas County high school graduates from participating campuses are eligible for Dallas County Promise.  Currently, more than 80 high schools and preparatory schools within Dallas County participate in the program. 

Check out the Dallas County Promise website for more details on eligibility requirements and partner offers, including both direct entry and transfer options, for students.

Get in touch

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* Indicates Mandatory Field.